The WARTIME Fallen from Marlborough, NY
We remember these wartime service members from Marlborough who died in the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. Thanks to Tom Schroeder, Town Historian and Commander of American Legion Viebey-Sutton Post #124, for helping us find this information.
Civil War
John H. Crosbary, enlisted 1862, 20th regiment, Co. A, died in service
George W. Detmar, enlisted August 30, 1862, died Andersonville
George G. Fowler, enlisted August 18, 1862, 156th regiment, Co. A, died in service
Luther P. Hait, enlisted August 6, 1861, 1st Cav, Co. H, died Andersonville, August 10, 1864
Edward H. Ketcham, Lieutenant, enlisted August 26, 1862, 120th regiment, Co. A, killed Gettysburg July 2, 1863
John T. Ketcham, Lieutenant, enlisted Feb 4, 1863, 4th regiment, died Libbey Prison, October 8, 1863
George Miller, enlisted February 23, 1864, 20th regiment, Co. G, died in service
John McCarty, enlisted May 5, 1862, 1st regiment, died of wounds
John H. Mackey, enlisted August 12, 1862, 120 regiment, Co. A, died in service
Steven J. Power, enlisted August 15, 1862, 6th regiment, Co. I, died in service
Charles H. Free, enlisted August 15, 1862, 6th regiment, Co. I, died of wounds received at Cedarville
Peter Terwilliger, enlisted August 22, 1862, 156 regiment, Co. G, died in service July 30, 1863
Nehemiah Halloc Mann, Capt, enlisted April 2, 1863, 4th NY Cavalry Co. M, died at Cedarville August 18, 1864
Ralph Freer
Batista Visconti, died Camp Croft, South Carolina
George Burrows
Charles W. Viebey
Charles Goulding, plane shot down in Palau
Sidney Taber, killed in the Philippines
DeWitt Scott
Frank Grakus, killed in Italy
Ralph Macord, killed in training accident
Minton B. Mattice, killed in Italy while serving in Fifth Army
Orlando Palopoli, died leading a Marines platoon charge on Tarawa beachhead
Thomas C. Prizzia, plane carried him down into China Sea)
James D. Scott, died in the Philippines
Myron Sutton, died 1945 in Germany)
Augustine Turturro, captured in surrender of Corregidor on Manilla Bay, May 2, 1942, and died of neglect in Japanese prison camp
James Yeaple, of Fourth Marines killed on Tinian island
George Chando, Jr.
Edward J. Eckert, Jr.