In observance of Arbor Day, several families and local residents came out on May 1st to explore the new Marlboro Nature Trail, participate in a tree identifying scavenger hunt, and take home red maple saplings to plant in their yards. The event was hosted by the Marlborough Democratic Committee, organized in conjunction with the New York Department of Environmental Conservation.
If you were not able to make the Arbor Day event, the Marlboro Nature Trail is open to the public every day of the year! You'll find parking about a hundred yards down the path, after turning in (eastbound) from Route 9W, across from St. Mary's Church.
If you'd like to identify leaves and other plant and tree species along the trail, you can print out this leaf identifier sheet for kids to carry and mark off the ones they find, or download the smartphone app PlantNet (android) (apple) or PlantSnap (android and apple) to help you learn more about the nature in our backyard.
All photos ©Brigette Supernova