Greetings, Marlborough Democrats and community members!
The election is over and we anxiously await noon on January 20 when President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris take their oaths of office.
Below are the election results according to the Ulster County Board of Elections.
The checkmarks represent overall winners, including local voting districts, state, and national tallies.
President of the United States
Joseph R. Biden / Kamala D. Harris: 42606 (54.69%) √
Donald J. Trump / Michael R. Pence: 33580 (43.10%)
NY Representative In U.S. Congress
Antonio Delgado (D) 44323 (58.66%) √
Kyle Van De Water (R) 29506 (39.05%)
NY State Senator — 39th State Senatorial District
James G. Skoufis (D) 3377 (42.23%) √
Steve Brescia (R) 4614 (57.70%)
Member of NY Assembly —104th Assembly District
Jonathan G. Jacobson (D) 3950 (47.07%) √
Andrew Gauzza, IV (R) 4437 (52.87%)
Marlborough Town Justice
Brigette Supernova (D) 1252 (33.05%)
Michael A. Kraiza (R) 2533 (66.87%) √