The Ulster County Board of Elections is planning an Inaugural “Ulster County Votes,” I
Voted Sticker Contest.
WHO: Any Ulster County resident age 13-18 can participate.
WHAT: Design a logo that we will use to create “I Voted” 2 inch stickers and digital graphics that
can be used for sharing for the November 2, 2021 General Election. I Voted must appear
somewhere in the design, but the rest is up to you.
WHEN: Artwork will be collected between the period of April 1, 2021- June 1, 2021. The Ulster
County Board of Elections Commissioners will select the top designs and then – of course – we
open the contest up to voting on the top designs at our website, VoteUlster.com during the
month of July. The winning designs will be selected from the top vote getters and posted on
September 10, 2021 and the stickers will be distributed during the November 2nd General
HOW: Send your artwork – Photo, PDF, JPEG to Elections@co.ulster.ny.us
For more information please contact: Jen Fuentes or Keri Williams at 845.334.5470