There are several obligations we have to ensure a free and democratic government. Two of these obligations are to be counted in the United States Census and to participate in elections for public office.
Article I, Section 2 of the United States Constitution states that every ten years a population count of all persons in the country shall be performed to determine the number of representatives in the United States House of Representatives.
How the Census is Connected to The Electoral College
By being counted in the 2020 Census, New York state will be allocated a certain number of House representatives based on the number of persons counted in the state. New York currently has 29 electoral votes. This translates to twenty-seven elected members in the House of Representatives and two senators.
As a state with a large population, New York will have an advantage toward selecting the President of the United States. The presidential candidate who wins the majority of votes receives all of New York’s electoral votes.
Census Count and Federal Funding
The federal budget includes many programs to help states, such as funding for roads, school lunches, hospitals, medical care, emergency services, and more. New Yorkers regain some of this money paid in federal taxes for community government programs. Choosing not to be counted means New York will be at a disadvantage in the Electoral College, and, more importantly, lose federal dollars.
The Census Bureau is scheduled to complete its work by September 30, 2020, and while we are required by law to participate, the Census Bureau is also required by law to protect respondents’ answers. Responses are used only for statistical purposes. The Census Bureau does not disclose any personal information (US Census Bureau).
Be counted at!
