In these precarious times, it's typical to look back on our accomplishments and disappoitments. While we are still gripped in a global pandemic with another highly transmissible variant, it's important to think back to where we were this time last year. We did not have nearly enough of the new COVID-19 vaccine to meet our country's needs. Today, while more still needs to be, the majority of the country is vaccinated, mitigating the the virus's strain on our healthcare facilities and our overall wellbeing.
This time last year unemployment was at a dismal 6.7 percent. Today, the number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits has fallen to the lowest level in 52 years.
Some of Democrats’ other significant accomplishments:
5.6 million jobs created and a historic decline in unemployment.
The most historic investment in infrastructure since the New Deal programs of Franklin Roosevelt.
The American Rescue Package that, among other benefits, will cut child poverty in half.
The end of the 20-year occupation of Afghanistan.
A new mandate to transition government vehicles to all-electric by 2050.
A 90-day extension on the student loan repayment pause.
While there is still an enormous amount to do, like passing the "Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act" and either the "Freedom to Vote" Act or the "John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement" Act, America is in a better place than it was last year.
This doesn't mean it's time to go back to sleep.
Just the opposite.
Democracy is under assault like never before.
That means we need to get out there and get active. Come join us in that endeavor!
For more information, check out the winter edition of the MDC newsletter.