THE MISSION OF THE MARLBOROUGH DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE (MDC) IS TO WORK FOR THE PROGRESS of our hometown of Marlborough, our State of New York and our nation, the United States of America, with the goal of locating, recruiting, and supporting candidates and officials who represent the principles and philosophy of the Democratic Party, and to offer financial, administrative, and moral support to those candidates and officials, most specifically, at the level of Town government, but also on the County, State, and Federal levels.
The MDC endeavors to make its presence, its candidates, and its support of Democratic principles known to the community by taking on active roles and participating in community events when and where those events can foster and promote our objectives and play a meaningful role in the progress of our Town.
The Democratic Party is the party of the people. As such, we are committed to working for both legislation and projects that protect and defend the rights of the individual as guaranteed in the US Constitution. The MDC supports the establishment of projects and programs within our Town that also support our Democratic officials and candidates, as well as those who serve on civic committees. This way, we support the quality of life, good family values, and the protection of the health, safety, and welfare of our residents.
The MDC joins Democrats nationwide in supporting transparency in government because, with factual information, the People are apt to trust in the governmental process, and also show interest in and participate in the election process. The MDC also believes in the protection of our natural resources, thereby, ensuring safe and available resources needed for a healthy population, economic growth and security, and to safeguard resources for future generations. We also support the labor practice that laborers are ensured safe working conditions and a living wage.
We support the protection [and providence] of Town-owned properties, facilities and spaces that do, and would, provide recreational and meeting opportunities for all segments of our population, thus, providing [freedom of assembly and] an environment that supports social and healthy activity, [health of body] and ease of mind for all of our citizens.
In addition to the necessary activities that accompany the electoral process each year, we also have programs and projects that welcome your part time participation. We always need help gathering signatures on petitions, helping at the polls, organizing fundraisers and calling voters to get out the vote in the months and weeks leading up to elections.

Committee Chair: Ted Millar
Vice-Chair: Mici Simonofsky
Recording Secretary: Maribeth King
Treasurer: Joseph Caserto
UlsteR County Democratic Committee Members
District 1 Representative: Mici Simonofsky, Paul Ellis-Graham
District 2 Representative: Brigette Supernova
District 3 Representatives: Alphonso (Al) Lanzetta, Brian Simonofsky
District 4 Representative: Patricia Haidaoui, Edward Vasquez
District 5 Representative: Ted Millar, Diana Henry
District 6 Representative: Maribeth King, Naseem Haidaoui